“IBS” GO TIMEE™️ is a method for management of
“IBS” (irritable bowel syndrome) by primary care specialists rather than gastroenterologists.

Patients with “IBS” aren’t receiving good care. Here’s why …

Notice the quotation marks around IBS (ie, a triad of symptoms called enteropathy) implicating the small intestine, colon, or both (ie, the gut). There are three predominate symptoms:

  • abdominal pain and/or discomfort,

  • gas – abdominal bloating, distention or enlargement, flatulence, and noisy intestinal sounds, and

  • bowel dysfunction – constipation, diarrhea, or both.

Research confirms at least 45 million Americans suffer with this symptom triad; it’s also a worldwide problem affecting up to 11% of the population. Diagnosis of IBS requires absence of concerning features, such as blood in the stool, unintentional weight loss, and iron deficiency anemia. Gastroenterologists consider IBS to be the most common of several Disorders of Gut-Brain Interaction (DGBI). There’s a second “brain-in-the-gut” and both intercommunicate 24/7, largely at the subconscious level. Most of the information is “bottoms up” from gut to brain. Symptoms are generated related to disturbances involving motility (contraction) dysfunction, heightened sensation, barrier dysfunction (leaky gut), chronic immune-mediated inflammation, and gut microbiome dysbiosis.

Stress and emotional distress operate bidirectionally, predominantly at the subconscious level. GI symptoms can cause stress and emotional distress; reciprocally, stress and emotional distress can exacerbate and cause GI symptoms.

There are at least six underlying disorders and diseases masquerading as, or associated with, IBS that usually aren’t being diagnosed. We call this IBS+. Many have more than one. The most common is gut microbiome dysbiosis, such as small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). They’re ALL treatment targets! Opportunities for healing are lost if they’re not identified.

IBS” GO TIMEE™️ is based upon my book YOU’RE ON FIRE.

The book is written for those suffering with this triad of symptoms usually diagnosed as IBS.

The method teaches primary care specialists to diagnose with noninvasive blood, stool, and breath testing. Referral to gastroenterologists usually isn’t necessary. Colonoscopies and scans can (and should) be avoided because they don’t show these underlying disorders and diseases.

I’m collaborating with Applied Healthcare Research Management (AHRM) Inc, a Global CRO (Contract Research Organization) with a focus in Health Economics and Outcomes Research founded by Raf Magar. Together we’ll conduct real world research to confirm both better clinical outcomes while substantially reducing healthcare costs. Continuous quality improvement will be based upon this research.

We are guest editors for a 4 volume/issue series in the prestigious gastroenterology medical journal Frontiers in Gastroenterology. Check it out!

If you’re a primary care specialty group interested in IBS GO TIMEE™️, please email us …
info@WilliamSaltMD.com or